four friends

Go Kappa

Went Kappa: Making Kappa Memories


Megan Chunias, Miami (Ohio), shares her story of going Kappa and where it’s led her.

“Going into Recruitment my first year of college, I was looking for a community where I could feel at home and be myself. At Miami, there are 17 sororities, which was both exciting and overwhelming. How was I supposed to decide between them? 

“Round after round, I kept leaving unconvinced that I’d found my place. I felt like Goldilocks trying out each of the bear’s beds and none felt quite right … until I walked into Kappa. As soon as I stepped into that room, I was immediately hit with a wave of energy that was happy, lively and just plain goofy. The people I met that day, and throughout each round of Recruitment, were incredibly genuine and I knew Kappa was just right for me. 


The people I met that day, and throughout each round of Recruitment, were incredibly genuine and I knew Kappa was just right for me. 


Kappa ended up being a cornerstone of my college experience as I took on leadership roles and, eventually, lived in a house full of Kappas my senior year. 

Kappa ended up being a cornerstone of my college experience as I took on leadership roles and, eventually, lived in a house full of Kappas my senior year. Luckily for me, the amazing memories I made through Kappa didn’t end there. 

“After graduation, I became a Leadership Consultant, where I’ve had the opportunity to connect and work with Kappas from all over the country. One of my favorite parts about being an LC is the instant bond I have with each person I meet. No matter how different our backgrounds may be, we always have Kappa in common.” 

Megan Chunias at Kappa Headquarters as a Leadership Consultant



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